My Stay-At-Home Mom Routine

As a stay at home mom you are entirely in charge of your schedule. You can plan out your day with your children in mind.

I like to start the day with washing my face and putting on clean clothes. There’s nothing wrong with staying in your pajamas during the day but I find that I feel better about myself when I have a fresh face and am dressed.

Another part of most of my days is the gym, they have daycare which is a wonderful thing. Lately I’ve been taking Brayden in the afternoons because of his nap schedule, he likes to fall asleep on the way home from the gym if we going in the morning.

If you can swing it in your budget I highly recommend getting a gym membership. There is something great about being able to take care of yourself in this manner. It gives me a fresh perspective to better parent Brayden.

I usually plan at the beginning the day when meals will be for Brayden, then I decide if we will go to the gym or not or do another kind of outing. Often grocery shopping or odds and ends need to be purchased from Target so I decide which will be done in the morning and which will be saved for the afternoon.

Sometimes we will have play dates with other moms and children and that will take the place of an outing.

Those items tend to fill up my day. Sooner than not its dinnertime and I’m ready to cook. Something I would like to start taking advantage of is prepping dinner if needed during Brayden’s naptime. Often times I’m tired too and want to lay down for a bit.

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break when your child naps by the way. I feel my best when I’m rested and that may mean that I need to take a little snoozer too during his naptime.

I’m lucky that I have a husband who is domesticated and likes to help out with laundry and the dishes. He often comes home from work and eats dinner then cleans up the kitchen for me. He’s also on Brayden bathtime and night time routine when he’s not traveling.

This is a huge relief for me after a day of watching Brayden. I’m ready for him to take over at 6pm.

So that’s my day in a nutshell.

How do you like to schedule your days?


What I Know For Sure