God is in our stories

I loved this reminder from my son this morning as we ate breakfast. “God is in the story. God is in the details….”

I appreciate the prompt that God knows all the ins and outs of our lives. God knows your hopes, dreams, past failures, daily triumphs, and future successes. He understands and loves us all so much.

Is it not amazing that our children can be truth speakers? They can hear and see the Lord in a way that sometimes, as adults, can be challenging. The Bible tells us that children are a gift from the Lord and that we can emulate them by humbling ourselves before the Lord.

As someone who understands trauma and healing, do we have to be confused or triggered by the word humbling? I know one could be triggered by the word humble if they are healing from trauma, so what does humbling ourselves before the Lord?

Well, it does not have to be tricky or painful. I promise. It is more of a heart posture than anything else. Just sitting and praying and letting God know that you know He is in charge and we are not. He is the Alpha and Omega. We are not. He is the provider of everlasting peace, hope, and enduring love.

So back to this morning's example of God in our stories…

This truth also reminds me that the small details of our day matter, and how we worship God throughout the day matters. Our love for God can have a lasting positive impact on our children. We have a choice to turn on Christian radio and Christian music. We can do tiny devotions in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Prayers when tucking kiddos in at night.

It all matters. The little things matter every day.

Sometimes we forget the impact that is talking about God, singing about God, and praying to God throughout the day has on our children and us.

During a family walk yesterday, Brayden rode his scooter ahead as we walked our pup. As our son was much faster on his scooter than we were walking, B plopped down and waited for us (mom and dad) at intervals. We heard him singing about God and heaven as we walked closer to him. What a sweet spirit!

This recent memory brings joy to my momma's heart, and I pray it does as you read. God is good.

Loving God and the freedom to worship God has a beautiful impact that is, in many ways, supernatural. God is in our stories… and in all the details, friend.

I am thankful.



Parsnip Soup


Happy New Year!