Love Heals Wounds

Waking up early before the sun has risen, I sense a familiar calling that God has work for me to do. Perhaps heart work?

As I listened to the song, Wounds by Jordan Feliz, I was struck by the beauty of the melody and the vulnerability of the lyrics:

I am only standing here because His love heals wounds.
Would you believe me if I said, you are not beyond repair?
Would you believe me if I said I have been right there.
I’ve seen the light come in to my darkest wounds.
I can tell you friend that his love heals wounds.
Look into my heart, let it be the proof, I am only standing here because His love heals wounds (emphasis mine).

—Wounds, Jordan Feliz

I pray this song stirs your heart today and affections for God. I pray you share the songs Wounds with someone who needs to hear it! May it bring healing for your heart. May it bring love and grace for others. In other words, may the song bring grace for others healing journey’s too. Jesus’ love heals all wounds. His miracles abound every day—I am living proof, my son is living proof, and you are living proof!

I don’t believe in coincidences as everything is known by Him who is omniscient and transcendent. Through those truth eyes, I gazed at the Wounds official video this morning. In fact, I noticed the video was posted on September 17, my birthday. Thankful for a “Godwink” this morning and constant reminder of Gods lavish love.

Lastly, I pray as you finish reading, you are spurred on to live fully loved and free as a child of God.

Oh, Happy New Year!


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